Assignment 5

Link to 5 Master Edits Video:

          During this assignment, I was tasked with making a video that demonstrated 5 editing techniques: contrast, symbolism, simultaneity, parallelism, and leitmotif.

           Contrast: The first editing technique I chose to demonstrate is contrast. Contrast is when a director cuts back and forth between two completely different shots to demonstrate their differences. In this case, I show a happy Cooper reading a book and a sad Mickey typing on the computer.

           Symbolism: The second technique I chose was symbolism or when a director transitions between two relative shots. For my video, I show a video of something watching a person with the camera itself symbolizing a security camera watching a person.

            Simultaneity: The third shot I chose was simultaneity or two scenes that occur at the same period of time. In this case, we have a shot of one person walking up the stairs and a shot of one person walking down the stairs before they bump into each other in the middle of the staircase.

              Parallelism: The fourth shot I chose was parallelism which takes two different scenes and highlights the differences between them. For my video a used a shot the comprised of two people on separate sides of a pillar talking both clearly frustrated, however, for different reasons, one is having a hard time, and the other is worried about their friend.  

              Leitmotif: The last shot I chose was leitmotif this shot has a reoccurring theme or symbol. In my video, this reoccurring thing was hammer time which kept happening in each scene highlighting its presence.       


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